FIXCOL मतलब चिपकना

  • Call us
    (+91) 916 571 0000
  • Fafadhi, Raipur
    Chhattisgarh 492001

About us

About Meet Products

Holding Fast & Build Trust

Since 28 Years
MEET PRODUCTS is the Market Chief in Adhesives and Binders, Construction chemicals and emulsions in INDIA. Our brand name FIXCOL has replaced for ADHESIVES to billions in INDIA and its ranked amongst the most trusted brands in INDIA.

FIXCOL is the largest marketing brand in INDIA at present. We have reached out this destination today due to our close and expertise teamwork and our shared values which highlight devotion to excellence, friendliness to our customers.
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The House of Adhesive

Meet Products

Our Major Factors in

Adhesive Market

  • We have your Solutions?
    Our products are strongly involved in different applications related to WOOD and PLASTIC Industries. Also, some SKUs are robustly used in the REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT sector.
  • Updates our SKU's
    Our SKU's in current development for modern application in Adhesive & Fixatives field.
  • Our Brand journey
    MEET PRODUCTS was established in 1993. Since the 1990's we have been working for evolution and growth in the field of adhesives and fixatives. In 1995 MEET PRODUCTS was arranged as an expertise construct member to complimentary and expertise products.
  • Research & Development
    Our research team makes a complete solution for Adhesives and Binders, Construction Pigment Chemicals, Industrial Fixatives, and Textiles.
    We in MEET PRODUCTS look forward to developing more and more to serve better in the future.

Meet Products is leading ISO9001 certified company in the field of Adhesive Manufacturing in India.
We provide bonding solutions for various industries like Paper Products, Footwear, Furniture, Upholstery, Door & Allied Industries.


Years of Establishment


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Happy Customer with
our products


Distributers in

With over 28 years

One of the best scope of dissolvable based elastic glues to suit an assortment of Furniture, Foam, Mattresses, Carpeting and Upholstery applications.

(+91) 916 571 0000

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